Sometimes a loan modification may not be in your best interest given the loan amount and projected new monthly mortgage. This is where a Short Sale can be very useful to a homeowner. Then again, the Short Sale process can be very confusing for homeowners. They often ask, “Is this the right choice for me?” Owing more on your home than it is worth makes one question if it is even worth it to try to hang on to their property. A Short Sale provides an exit strategy without having to pay the bank the upside-down amount on the mortgage balance. This avoids the headache of potential wage garnishment and bank levies through legal action. Being forced into Foreclosure by the Trustee is the last thing that Vantage Realty wants for any homeowner. Engaging in a Short Sale can still allow you to stay in the same neighborhood you live in and continue your daily life without interruption.
Despite all the negative news in the media about foreclosures, there are state programs and options that allow people to walk away from their upside-down property with minimal damage. These programs are built to provide homeowners with relocation money and to minimize the damage to consumer’s financial history (FICO). This is crucial for those looking to once again buy a home in the near future. Previous Clients have secured on average $5,000.00 to $30,000.00 for relocation assistance into a new home. Doing nothing is the worst thing you can do. Call us today to learn more about the programs out there and the positive impact that a Short Sale can have on your family. We are more than happy to answer any questions you may have about this process.